Monday, January 19, 2009

Do All For The Glory of God

Scripture: I Corinthians 10:15-11:1
Key Verse: I Corinthians 10:23, 31

23. Everything is permissible--but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible--but not everything is constructive.
31. So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

We cannot have real communion (fellowship, friendship, or intimacy) with the world, the flesh, and the devil, and at the same time claim to have fellowship with the Father. Oil and water don’t mix. God says nothing is bad in and of itself, for all things were created richly for us to enjoy. But the devil has hijacked some of earth’s pleasures to ensnare us, to pull us away from God, and to trap us in sins vice-like grip. Nothing is bad except for its attachment to the evil one and his demons. That makes it evil, even though the thing itself is not evil.

All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful. – v 23
All things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. – v 23
All things are lawful for me, but not all things glorify God. – v 31

What is he saying? Is he saying we should not have anything to do with the world? No, for then we would have to leave the world altogether. He is simply saying we cannot be double minded, or two-faced, or speak out of two sides of our mouth. “Fellowship with” is the key here. To enjoy, to have fun with, to value certain things, to laugh at the same jokes, to go to the same excess as the world is to cut ourselves off from fellowship with God. God won’t have anything to do with the devil’s stuff.

Ask yourself three questions about every activity
* Is it helpful to me, my family, my neighbors?
* Is it edifying, uplifting, constructive, or is it destructive?
* Is it glorifying to Christ? Does it magnify him, please him, or shame him?

I know what you are thinking. “How can I possibly evaluate everything I do this way?” The answer is to put this test to the things distract you from the Lord. Is Facebook glorifying to God, does it edify, is it helpful? It can be, or it can go the other way. It can be used for evil and the purposes of the evil one. Make the distinction clear.

“Whatever you do, in word, or deed, (or in typing) do all for the glory of God.”

Thought: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” – Socrates

Walk with the KING today, and be a blessing!

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